Finding your community means discovering a place where you belong, connect, and grow — because together, we are stronger and more inspired. Community is at the heart of everything we do, and we believe that together we can create meaningful connections and drive positive change.
The first instruction of 1 Corinthians 14 is to follow the way of love. Jesus said, “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.” For these reasons, LOVE is at the core of our mission and vision.
Sunday Schedule
Our times of gathered worship are single-purposed in glorifying and praising our wonderful Savior. We hope that with worship that is heartfelt and unhindered, people can powerfully and personally connect to God. We try to lead consistently authentic worship that leads to encounters with God that result in radical life change.
9:45 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary
10:45 a.m. Coffee and Snacks
11 a.m. Discipleship Classes
5:45 p.m. “Connections” Evening Worship Service
Children and Youth
Click below to discover how North Avenue partners with families as they raise their children to become Christ followers who love God and neighbor.
Our Values and Approach
North Avenue is organized under 4 primary pillars: serve, care, grow, and worship. You can click HERE to learn more about these pillars and our vision and values. Alternatively, you can click on the icons below to learn more about the outworking of each pillar.
If you have a question that we have not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Desta Ethiopian Kitchen is my favorite restaurant! I recommend it because it’s different from typical American cuisine and has menu options that cater to a variety of preferences. The food is always fresh and tasty. I love the potent and savory flavors. The food is not just good it’s Instagram post worthy. Any family can enjoy the delicious sharable portions served here!
Desta Ethiopian Kitchen is my favorite restaurant! I recommend it because it’s different from typical American cuisine and has menu options that cater to a variety of preferences. The food is always fresh and tasty. I love the potent and savory flavors. The food is not just good it’s Instagram post worthy. Any family can enjoy the delicious sharable portions served here!