Will you join us as we follow the way of love?

The first instruction of 1 Corinthians 14 is to follow the way of love. Jesus said, “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.” For these reasons, LOVE is at the core of our mission and vision.

Our Mission

To love and worship God, to be transformed as we grow in Christ, to make visible the Kingdom of God as we serve Atlanta and the world.

Our Vision

Becoming Christ followers who love God and neighbor.

Our Core Values


“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7

We want to invite, welcome, and include every single person who walks through our doors. Our hope is that no one could walk away from North Avenue without having felt the love of Jesus extended directly and personally to them. We always try to go the extra mile to make every visitor feel welcome and comfortable through personal, engaging, and loving encounters.

Radical hospitality is not just something our first-time visitors experience; instead, we hope this is a mind set of every member of the North Avenue family that permeates all of our interactions with family, friends, co-workers, and community.


“My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” Psalm 84:2

Our times of gathered worship are single-purposed in glorifying and praising our wonderful Savior. We hope that with worship that is heartfelt and unhindered, people can powerfully and personally connect to God. We try to lead consistently authentic worship that leads to encounters with God that result in radical life change.

We know that worship is not only our gathering together to praise God in song and preaching. It is actually everything we do! Every action is an opportunity to glorify and worship God. We may begin with passionate worship here on Sundays, but we carry that worship into our everyday lives, praising God in all we do.


“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42

At North Avenue, we want to be and to make disciples of Jesus Christ; in a word, we want to be missional. We believe that it’s not enough to teach by simply conveying information. Transformative Faith Development is learning through discussion and accountability; through mutual trust and strong relationships; through honesty and openness in our dealings with God and with each other. Scripture is our foundation, and relationships with God and one another are our focus. 

We know that as we grow and mature as followers of Christ, our lives will be transformed in big ways!


“…I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

We strive to make a positive impact on the world around us in order to glorify God. We recognize that God often calls His disciples to uncomfortably different and unknown environments and atmospheres in order to accomplish His will. Our hope is that we are often stretched outside of our comfort zone, challenged physically, mentally and spiritually to faithfully follow Christ. We want to be pushed beyond our routine church commitments and into places that we would never be if not for our desire to follow Christ. Wherever Christ is moving, we want to be there.

We hope that through obedient service both in our local and global communities, we may make Jesus known, especially to those who may not otherwise know Him.

Extravagant Generosity

“You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11

We want to share our blessings from God in a way that exceeds all expectations. We want to give sacrificially and selflessly of our time and talents. We believe in giving more than what is comfortable, fully depending on God to sustain us. We hope that our giving goes beyond simple obedience, but instead is inspired by the joy of giving as freely as God has so generously given to us.

Jason Chen

International Student Ministry Coordinator.   

Jason's Restaurant Recommendation

Coming Soon

Chris Clay

Director of Contemporary Worship and Innovative Technology

Chris's Restaurant Recommendation


Chris Clay

Director of Contemporary Worship and Innovative Technology 

Phone: 404-875-0431 x236

Chris's Restaurant Recommendation

Coming Soon 

Roxie Chess

Director of Ministry and Mission

Phone: (404) 875-0431

Roxie's Restaurant Recommendation

My favorite restaurant is:
Rumi’s Kitchen. A beautiful space, amazing food, wonderful people and atmosphere!

Renee Abernathy

Director of Finance and Administration

Phone: (404) 875-0431 x222

Renee's Restaurant Recommendation

Coming Soon

Roxie Chess

Director of Ministry and Mission

Phone: 404-875-0431

Roxie's Restaurant Recommendation

Coming Soon

Jasmine Anthony

Director of Children and Family Ministries

Phone: 404-875-0431 x220

Jasmine's Restaurant Recommendation

Desta Ethiopian Kitchen is my favorite restaurant! I recommend it because it’s different from typical American cuisine and has menu options that cater to a variety of preferences. The food is always fresh and tasty. I love the potent and savory flavors. The food is not just good it’s Instagram post worthy. Any family can enjoy the delicious sharable portions served here!

Jasmine Anthony

Director of Children and Family Ministries

Jasmine's Restaurant Recommendation

Desta Ethiopian Kitchen is my favorite restaurant! I recommend it because it’s different from typical American cuisine and has menu options that cater to a variety of preferences. The food is always fresh and tasty. I love the potent and savory flavors. The food is not just good it’s Instagram post worthy. Any family can enjoy the delicious sharable portions served here!