Psalm 24 v1

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it

John 3 v16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

2 Corinthians 9 v11

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

Give Online

Online giving is a safe and easy way to invest in all God is doing at North Avenue to love and worship God, to be transformed as we grow in Christ, to make visible the Kingdom of God as we serve Atlanta and the world.

Automate Your Giving

Setting up a recurring gift is a great way to consistently put God first in your finances. Recurring giving is easy and takes just minutes to set up. Simply choose your schedule and amount to automate your giving today.

2 Corinthians 8 v9

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that sthough he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.

Text To Give

You can give anytime from anywhere with a single text. Simply text “Give” to 404 445 4799

Dollars Transformed Into Lives Changed

Best Way to Give Electronically



Electronic Bank Transfer












Other Ways to Give

Cash or Check

You can always give by check (payable to North Avenue Presbyterian Church) or cash. We have a time of giving during our Sunday worship service, or you can mail your gift to:

North Avenue Presbyterian Church

607 Peachtree St NE


GA 30308

If you choose to give cash, please consider placing it in an envelope with your name and mailing address so we can properly account for it and ensure you are eligible to deduct it on your taxes.

Instructions for Transfer of Stock Gifts to the NAPC Brokerage Account

The church maintains a brokerage account with Merrill Lynch. To make a gift of appreciated securities, simply identify them with your broker and have him/her transfer them to this account:

Merrill Lynch
3455 Peachtree RD NE
Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30326
DTC Clearing #: 8862
Account #: 706-04D49
Account Title: North Avenue Presbyterian Church
Account Representative: Frank Rigdon

As soon as they receive the stock, they will let us know. At that point, we will apply the expected proceeds to your outstanding pledge, if any, and will order the shares converted to cash.

Estate Planning/Planned Giving

You can plan to give to North Avenue Presbyterian Church or to its Endowment through your will or estate. Possible giving vehicles include:

  • Bequests through a will.
  • Gifts of life insurance.
  • Gifts from retirement plans.
  • Gifts of real estate

We welcome and celebrate all gift amounts. To speak with someone to confirm your contribution, please contact us either by email ([email protected]) or phone Renee Abernathy, Director of Finance and Administration, at 404- 875-0431 x222.

Real Estate or Non-cash Assets

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Annual Financials



Tithes and Offerings


Missions Giving


Other Income


Opperating Expenses


Mission Support


Operating Cash


Online Giving Questions

Setting up a recurring gift is a great way to consistently put God first in your finances. Recurring giving is easy and takes just minutes to set up. Simply choose your schedule and amount to automate your giving today. Access the form HERE

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We recommend an electronic bank transfer to maximize your gift. Below are the fees that North Avenue pays for various payment methods.
Bank Account (FREE)
Debit Card (2.32%)
Credit Card (3.31%)
AMEX (3.64%)

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It will take a few days for all payments to be processed, but if all the information was entered correctly, you should see a draft in your account on the day that you scheduled your payment. If you do not see it within a few days of the scheduled payment, your transaction may not have gone through. If this is the case, we will contact you to let you know that your transaction was not successful.

Your information is held securely in our secure servers. Your information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions. You can schedule new contributions at any time and modify or cancel those contributions at any time prior to the date they are scheduled. If you have any problems or questions related to this, please contact us.

General Giving Questions

Yes, we will mail annual contribution statements at the end of January.

The giving form allows you to allocate your gift to various funds. General Ministry and Missions are our standard, regular giving funds. As you see the church’s events, listen to reports from our mission partners, and watch people walk out of the sanctuary feeling encouraged and inspired, please know that this is your generosity at work.

Yes, you can. Place your cash in a sealed and clearly marked envelope with your name, address, and contact information.

Please send your additional questions by email or phone Renee Abernathy, Director of Finance and Administration, at 404- 875-0431 x222 

Jason Chen

International Student Ministry Coordinator.   

Jason's Restaurant Recommendation

Coming Soon

Chris Clay

Director of Contemporary Worship and Innovative Technology

Chris's Restaurant Recommendation


Chris Clay

Director of Contemporary Worship and Innovative Technology 

Phone: 404-875-0431 x236

Chris's Restaurant Recommendation

Coming Soon 

Roxie Chess

Director of Ministry and Mission

Phone: (404) 875-0431

Roxie's Restaurant Recommendation

My favorite restaurant is:
Rumi’s Kitchen. A beautiful space, amazing food, wonderful people and atmosphere!

Renee Abernathy

Director of Finance and Administration

Phone: (404) 875-0431 x222

Renee's Restaurant Recommendation

Coming Soon

Roxie Chess

Director of Ministry and Mission

Phone: 404-875-0431

Roxie's Restaurant Recommendation

Coming Soon

Jasmine Anthony

Director of Children and Family Ministries

Phone: 404-875-0431 x220

Jasmine's Restaurant Recommendation

Desta Ethiopian Kitchen is my favorite restaurant! I recommend it because it’s different from typical American cuisine and has menu options that cater to a variety of preferences. The food is always fresh and tasty. I love the potent and savory flavors. The food is not just good it’s Instagram post worthy. Any family can enjoy the delicious sharable portions served here!

Jasmine Anthony

Director of Children and Family Ministries

Jasmine's Restaurant Recommendation

Desta Ethiopian Kitchen is my favorite restaurant! I recommend it because it’s different from typical American cuisine and has menu options that cater to a variety of preferences. The food is always fresh and tasty. I love the potent and savory flavors. The food is not just good it’s Instagram post worthy. Any family can enjoy the delicious sharable portions served here!