The North Avenue Presbyterian Church Endowment (NAPC Endowment) was the prayerful vision of those who came before us. They knew that the work of the Lord needed to continue at NAPC well after their deaths. They established an NAPC Endowment that has provided financial resources for some of the meaningful ministry we have done as a congregation since 1973. We are all indebted to the past…to those who preceded us. We drink from wells we have not dug. We enjoy liberties we have not won. We share faith whose foundations we have not laid. And in turn, we can be seeds of the future for those who come after us.
The North Avenue Endowment Brochure
In our brochure, you can learn about our vision, how we share the past, celebrate the now, and imagine the future, and current statistics regarding the endowment. Physical copies of this brochure are always available at the church.
3 Ways To Take Action Now
There is plenty more information available below, but if you are ready to take action now, here are three ways that you can move forward.
Give Now
Click the button below to access our giving page. Remember to select option 5 “Endowment” in the Fund box.
Contact Us
If you have questions, we would love to hear them. Kenny Kyle, Executive Director of Finance and Operations is available to take your call 404- 875-0431 x222. Alternatively, you can send an email to [email protected].
Planned Giving
You can plan to give to the NAPC Endowment through your will or estate. Possible giving vehicles include:
- Bequests through a will.
- Gifts of life insurance.
- Gifts from retirement plans.
- Gifts of real estate.
Click the button below to be taken to our planned giving form.
Endowment Stories
Why do we have an Endowment? In this video, you can learn more about the Endowment and how it impacts North Avenue and the community around us.
Comet House and the Endowment. Watch this video to learn how the Endowment has impacted a school in Kenya.
House of Hope and the Endowment. The Endowment made a big impact on this Christ-centered recovery program. Watch the story here.
Questions and Answers
How is the endowment managed?
All funds of the Endowment are held by the Church as a fiduciary for the future. The Endowment is ultimately governed by the Session but is administered and managed by the Endowment Team (ET) whose decisions are governed by the NAPC Permanent Endowment Principles and related Protocols which are available upon request or can be found on the website at www.napc. org/endowment. Endowment funds are held indefinitely to grow for the future. Only that portion of the annual total return specified in the Spending Rule Protocols is distributed.
Who makes the decisions?
The Endowment Team (ET) comprised of ten Church members and staff, approves distributions recommended by Church ministry teams based upon the Distribution Protocols. The ET also reviews the Investment decisions of the Endowment investment advisor whose performance is evaluated based upon the Investment Protocols. The ET reviews all gifts received by the Endowment for compliance with the Gift Acceptance Protocols. The ET reports to the Session at least twice each year on Endowment activity.
How can I trust that the money will be used well now and in the future? Are there guidelines that safeguard this?
Endowment Principles concerning the acceptance of gifts, investment oversight, spending and distribution of funds and reporting govern the work of the ET. More specific protocols, consistent with these Principles are outlined in the Distribution Protocols, the Investment Protocols, the Spending Protocols and the Gift Acceptance Protocols. These Protocols address issues such as: how are disbursement decisions made, who can apply for disbursements, what percentage of the Endowment proceeds can be disbursed, the form gifts to the Endowment can take, the Endowment investment objectives and reporting requirements governing all aspects of the Endowment. The principles and protocols governing the use and investment of the Endowment are rigorous and were developed over a two-year period with the express purpose of safeguarding the Endowment for future generations
What accountability is there?
The Endowment Team (ET) provides an annual report to the full Session during the first quarter of each fiscal year to review the investment performance of the Endowment for the prior year and the proposed investment strategy for the upcoming year. The Session then confirms by majority vote the investment strategy and manager for the upcoming fiscal year. In addition, the ET Chair provides at least one in-person report to the Session at a later meeting. This second concise report encompasses ministry impact, funding and an overview of investment performance. It is recognized that transparency in reporting must be balanced with donor requests for confidentiality and anonymity. The ET meets at least quarterly to review the Endowment’s investment performance and to consider requests for disbursements.
How do you decide what to spend the money on and who decides?
All requests for disbursements from the Endowment are received through and with the support of a one of the many church ministry teams. Requests are made by the appropriate ministry team to the ET in writing and adhere to the Distribution Protocols. The ministry teams’ review of each funding request includes not only the expected costs covered by the request but also the expected long-term impact of the request and its benefits to the church or the community as a whole. The ministry team attends the next ET meeting and formally presents their review of the request.
Is there a possibility for a name to appear somewhere?
Not at this time, but the Gift Acceptance Committee is willing to discuss proposals. The Endowment Team hopes to soon acknowledge all donors who are willing to identify themselves, as Endowment Donors in a giving group not yet named. More information will be forthcoming.
Can I keep my gift anonymous?
Yes. Arrangements can be made for gifts to remain anonymous and the Endowment Team will strive to respect and maintain such confidentiality.
What is the easiest way to contribute?
The answer will depend on the donor and his or her circumstances. In most circumstances, cash or a check is the simplest, but NAPC is set up to receive a variety of gift instruments.
Can we decide what project we want the money to go to?
Gifts designated to certain projects are welcomed, subject to the procedures outlined in the Gift Acceptance Protocols. See also the Appendix to the Distribution Protocols which outlined plans for certain funding categories. The Gift Acceptance Team will consider and evaluate for practicality of management, gifts to the Endowment that are designated for particular ministries or activities of the Church. Such gifts may impose a management burden on the Church and its staff so will only be considered if they are intended to last over an extended period of time in a minimum amount as set out in the Gift Acceptance Protocols.
Can I change my mind? (About whether to give or to what project or fund to give)
The donor’s intentions are the primary guide to the disposition of any gift and the NAPC Endowment seeks to honor the intention of each donor. Wills and other legal documents often provide for various means of amending provisions. If you wish to change something formalized in a document, you should consult a lawyer or financial advisor.
More in-depth explanation of the various ways to contribute to the NAPC Endowment:
The Gift Acceptance Protocols of the NAPC Endowment outline in detail the range of gifts welcomed by the NAPC Endowment. Some unique situations will be reviewed by the Gift Acceptance Committee Below are suggested ways to contribute by naming the NAPC Endowment as the beneficiary. Each is explained in some detail in the Gift Acceptance Protocols. However, donors are encouraged to seek guidance from their own investment advisor or tax attorney. Outright Gifts: Cash Publicly Traded Securities Closely Held Securities as stated in the Gift Acceptance Protocols Real Estate in circumstances stated in the Gift Acceptance Protocols Tangible Personal Property as stated in the Gift Acceptance Protocols Bequests naming the NAPC Endowment Deferred Gifts: Bequests Life Insurance Charitable Trust to the benefit of the NAPC Endowment may be available through the Presbyterian Foundation.
Should I tell someone at NAPC that I have named NAPC or NAPC Endowment in my will or included NAPC in my estate planning?
We welcome donors alerting Kenny Kyle, the Director of Finance and Operations of their intentions, but certainly understand if a donor declines to do so. If you name NAPC or the NAPC Endowment in a will or include it in your estate planning, we recommend that you consider advising one or more of the other beneficiaries of such inclusion. Again however, such decisions are totally within the decision of the donor.
Can a staff or member of NAPC tell me how to legally set up my gift?
No, no NAPC staff or member can give you legal, tax or financial advice. We advise you to seek the independent advice of a legal or financial advisor.
Deep Dive Documents
Here you will find all of our documents that inform and Govern the Endowment.
They are lengthy documents so they will open in a new window.
To help you, each document has a brief summary of the information you will find within the document.
In this document you will discover our vision and mission statements, information about the role of the Endowment Team, and our guiding principles.
In this document, you can discover how we decide what funds should be made available.
In this document, you can discover the protocols that determine spending and how people may request Endowment Funding.
In this document you can learn about the types of gifts that can be accepted by the Endowment.
In this document you can learn about the philosophy, guidelines, and investment objectives for managing the investments of the Endowment